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Denial Management

Enhance your revenue through streamlined Denial Management Solutions

We employ a simplified approach to ensure effective aging AR recovery without redundancy

Get Expeidtire Reimbrusiments and Reduced Deiend Claims

A2Z Billing Management solutions target the root causes of denials and rejections, ensuring efficient resolution. We investigate, review, and systematically address issues, swiftly resubmitting insurance claims for timely payments.


Custom Reports

We provide effective medical billing solutions with a meticulous approach. A2Z Billing consistently follows up on every claim submitted to insurance companies, regardless of size. Our A/R Follow-Up services prioritize attention to detail, ensuring your practice receives the maximum reimbursement for the services provided.

Improved Collection Rates:

Leverage our Denial Management team to enhance payment recovery. We identify the root causes of denied claims and equip you with the necessary tools for prompt resolution. Utilizing our integrated software, denied claims are automatically directed to the relevant staff members for immediate follow-up and systematic corrections.


AR Management Services with Efficiency

We support you in analyzing rejections, submitting error-free claims, and pursuing denials and non-payments. Our top-tier Medical Billing AR services include

⦁ Enhancing provider documentation and data reporting.

⦁ In-network and out-of-network AR follow-up.

⦁ Workers’ Compensation follow-up.

⦁ Negotiations with claims adjusters.

⦁ Issuing various levels of appeals for unpaid claims.

⦁ Patient AR follow-up.

⦁ Credit-balance cleanup and audit.

⦁ Managing old accounts receivables.

Rely on our cutting-edge claim scrubbing tool that goes beyond error detection—it systematically fixes issues before submission. Our fully customizable rule-based system is tailored to prevent denials linked to coding, LCD policy, payer requirements, gender-specific rules, and any other rules specific to your specialty type or practice. Count on us for a proactive approach to denial prevention.


Medical Billing Company Michigan: Local Expertise, Global Standards

Based in Michigan, ATOZ Billings combines local expertise with global standards. Our services cater to the specific needs of the Michigan healthcare landscape while adhering to the highest industry standards. We understand the nuances of the local healthcare ecosystem and provide tailored solutions accordingly.

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