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Practice Fusion


Practice Fusion

If you want a perfect EHR platform approved internationally, then Practice Fusion is the one. AtoZ billing is now integrating this cloud-based platform specifically aimed to provide medical practices with a comprehensive solution for managing patient records, scheduling, billing, and other essential aspects of healthcare management. Practice Fusion also acquired Allscripts in 2018 and as of August 2020.

Practice Fusion’s EHR system allowed healthcare providers to digitise patient health records, including medical history, diagnoses, treatment plans, and medication lists. The goal was to create a centralised and accessible repository for patient information.

The platform includes practice management tools for administrative tasks, appointment scheduling, and overall workflow optimisation. This aims to enhance the efficiency of medical practices by streamlining operational processes.

This is not it, you can also use custom options to provide the services with ease.

Practice Fusion allows healthcare providers to customise templates to align with their specific workflows and specialties. This flexibility enables users to adapt the system to their unique needs and preferences.
There are also reporting and analytics options through which you can cover loopholes in medical practice. The platform includes reporting and analytics tools to help medical practices track key performance indicators, analyse practice metrics, and make informed decisions. Data-driven insights contribute to improved practice performance.

Practice Fusion’s EHR was often Meaningful Use certified, indicating compliance with specific criteria to improve patient care and safety. This certification is relevant for healthcare providers participating in incentive programs.

It’s important to reiterate that Practice Fusion’s EHR services are sunsetted, and existing users were encouraged to transition to other platforms. If you are seeking current information about EHR solutions, it’s recommended to explore alternative options or contactus, for guidance on their current offerings. Thus, we at AtoZ Billing make sure to perform undeniably the best services to you.

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